Leveraging our extensive product database, we assist our customers with easily comparing information and prices of over 1.4 billion products offered by over 10,000 online stores.
Solid foundation for stable growth
Product DB1.4bn
Product Catalog20mm
Scale for sustainable growth
Annual GMV2.5tn
Linked Marketplace14,000
MAU / Membership17.9mm/590K
Differentiated services
Danawa :
Enuri :
BeautyHealth supplementsPet products
Optimized shopping search services
Danawa :
Enuri :
A leading price comparison platform, offers real-time price comparison services across a wide range of products, primarily focusing on home appliances, computers, automobiles, laptops, mobile phones, and golf equipment. With VS Search support, users can compare product specifications efficiently, differentiate between models, highlight unique features, and easily evaluate prices.
Korea’s first price comparison website, provides real-time price comparison services for a comprehensive range of products, focusing on home appliances, beauty items, health supplements, and pet supplies. The platform features a shopping-optimized Smart Finder, enabling customers to quickly locate and compare desired products.